
News, schools, and views from a uniquely Lowell perspective
11th December 2007

Highlights from morning radio

posted in Education, In the News, Local Politics |

Both Bill Martin and Karla Brooks Baehr took the high road on the radio (UML 91.5) this morning in response to pointed questions about Lowell politics.  Martin maintained that whatever motives, political and/or personal, caused the delay in the superintendent hiring process (achieved through what he called “an obscure parliamentary move”), he didn’t sense that there was an attempt to try “to rig the process” for an insider candidate.  He regrets the loss of two weeks at what could be a prime time for school leaders to contemplate a career move, reasoning that the holiday vacation period would be a logical time for qualified candidates to think over their options and take a look around at what’s available.  He also agreed that the district will have to “up the payscale” to attract the right person.  No surprises there! I have to admit I was never a big fan of Bill Martin’s until this last term where he has shown real integrity and vision in a position of leadership, both on the council and on the school committee. I’m sure these qualities were there all along, but maybe not as visible. He’s really come into his own and I’m going to miss having him as our mayor. 

Both Martin and Baehr pointed out the recent successes in the district around hiring practices, new teacher training and test scores, while noting the challenges of our school population, some of which bear repeating constantly to critics of the administration:  Forty percent of our children who take the MCAS in English are non-proficient in the language, 75% receive free or reduced-price lunches – an indicator of poverty. Martin said that one of the things that impressed him about Dr. Baehr from the beginning was that she really wanted to come to Lowell, she wanted the challenges of the urban school system.  For her part, Baehr was more than generous in her praise of Lowell as a terrific city, a place where so many people care so deeply about the education of the children in our schools.  This was in response to what advice she would give to her successor about Lowell. I was thinking she might say, “watch your back,” but Karla Baehr is always classy, always forward-looking. I’ve said all along that we were lucky to have her in Lowell, and I wish her the best of luck in her next endeavor (hopefully as our new Commissioner of Education).


There are currently 7 responses to “Highlights from morning radio”

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  1. 1 On December 11th, 2007, Jackie said:

    It’s really more like a five-week delay when you consider the new school committee will not have its first meeting until January 9.

  2. 2 On December 11th, 2007, Mimi said:


    Thanks for the report; also thanks for the heads up yesterday. I listened to the program this morning specifically to hear the Mayor and the Superintendent.

    I thought Bob Ellis, the radio host, did an excellent job of interviewing the two of them. Great questions.

    Dr. Baehr’s detractors may find someone who can communicate with them to their satisfaction but they will never find someone as dedicated, intelligent, devoted and as you said classy as her. She will be missed.

  3. 3 On December 11th, 2007, Margaret said:

    Thanks for your comment, Mimi. You’re right that the interview was really well done; they covered a lot more than I was able to fit in a post, and I would urge people who missed the morning show to check the website (www.uml.org/wuml/sunrise) for the podcast (it can take a week or so to appear, but the information will still be timely).

  4. 4 On December 13th, 2007, Felicia said:

    You can find the podcast of the show here:


  5. 5 On December 13th, 2007, Margaret said:

    That was fast, thanks, Felicia!

  6. 6 On December 18th, 2007, Always Right in Lowell said:

    The old saying paraphrased…”you don’t know what you have, till it’s gone” will certainly apply here. I’m still not clear on why certain people wanted her gone. The only criticism I remember is ’she wasn’t enough a part of the community’. What does that mean other than she doesn’t kiss up? Apparently, that’s the problem. Imagine what it will cost to get a ‘player’ who will be part of the community. I bet they already have someone in mind. A fine “Happy New Year” to the taxpayers!

  7. 7 On December 18th, 2007, Margaret said:

    Excellent points, Always Right. Losing Baehr is bad for the schools and the city, for students and taxpayers. It’s a lose-lose situation!

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