Blog sickness cured
If you check this site regularly (thank you for that), you may have noticed many days without posts. Although this does happen occasionally because living my life takes precedence over writing about it, the last few weeks featured a particularly long stretch of silence, and with reason. The first reason was that my blog was sick and it took me awhile to figure out it wasn’t my computer; the second reason was school vacation (as many of you know, kids can be so distracting), as well as other commitments and family concerns. Speaking of kids, it was actually a young LHS student entrepreneur who solved my blog crisis.
Nate Tenczar, a junior at LHS whose parents are former city councilor Attorney Dan Tenczar and Lisa Tenczar of DancEnergy, was the young tekky to solve my problem at last. Charging very reasonable rates, Nate Tenczar Computer Consulting, which can reached via, discovered that “somehow malicious lines of code were injected into the header.php file of my blog, which caused the person viewing the blog to be redirected to an advertising website.” I confess to not understanding what exactly happened or how—something about my blog code being modified to send people off to random ad sites—what I do know was that it was incredibly aggravating to try to post during this period and that I wasted much time trying to figure out what was wrong with my computer when it was actually the blog. In any case, Nate resolved the issue; other than being annoying, it didn’t cause harm; and I’m now ready to get back to posting regularly. Please let me know if you notice anything weird in the future, and I highly recommend Nate as a source for your computer needs!
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