
News, schools, and views from a uniquely Lowell perspective

Column misses my point

Today’s “Column” got this right: I did call The Sun to complain about their article endorsing school committee candidates. As you can see from my post, Thanks for the Endorsement, my problem with the article was its refusal to give the schools credit for the significant gains we have made in curriculum, instruction, and student learning. As usual, The Sun denigrated the schools while announcing its endorsements, and that’s an injustice I couldn’t let slide—endorsement or not. It is also the point completely lost in today’s coverage of the conversation. I know of at least one editor who told me he was not happy with the “sarcastic, thanks but no thanks” attitude of my post, and perhaps that was part of his motivation in twisting my words for today’s column.  Either way, I stand firm in my conviction that we are making progress, and we must continue to build on that momentum. The current school board is key to that success—not as a rubber stamp—but to support and push for initiatives that make sense for all kids, to ask the right questions, and to hold the administration accountable.

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