
News, schools, and views from a uniquely Lowell perspective
16th October 2009

Campaign party recap

posted in Campaign, Local Politics |

As Jackie’s  rather invisible Campaign Manager lately (I have a ‘real’ job these days), I want to thank everyone who came out last night to the Mambo Grill in support of Jackie’s candidacy. I also want to give a big thanks to our hostess Julie and her helpers who provided great food and a warm atmosphere for our supporters. It was so nice to see old friends show up who have supported Jackie since the first campaign in 2003, and to see some new faces on the political scene such as Alison Laraba, an articulate parent who is the sole challenger for a seat on the school committee this election year (sitting school committee members Jim Leary and Dave Conway were present as well). We also welcomed State Rep Kevin Murphy and our old friend and former school commitee member, Joe Mendonca, who is set on regaining his seat on the city council, along with Lowell Vocational Technical School challenger Fred Bahou; Patrick Murphy, onetime congressional candidate now running for city council; and city council challenger Paul Belley. We were also pleased to welcome our old Citywide Parent Council friends. This reunion of activists who are still focused on making Lowell schools the best they can possibly be was energizing for those of us, such as myself, who have become somewhat disengaged from the local scene. There was also a lot of debate about and support for Fair Vote Lowell (more about this hot topic coming soon). With only three weeks until the election and at least four other events going on last night, we were heartened by the support and enthusiasm. I know, and you know, how hard Jackie has been working and what a difference she has made in our schools. Now, tell your friends! We need a mandate for continued progress in Lowell!

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