
News, schools, and views from a uniquely Lowell perspective
4th June 2009

How many teachers needed at LHS?

posted in Education, Lowell High, Money Matters |

Tonight at 6 pm, the LHS subcommittee will hear updated reports regarding reducing teachers at the high school based on declining enrollment (650 less students than five years ago) amid a budget shortfall that numbers in the millions—anywhere from $3-5 million more in cuts needed, depending how optimistic you are that the state will deliver on education funding. Also to be discussed at the public meeting, are other recommendations for cuts in high school staffing, such as assistant coaches, department chairs, and the TV studio. Votes based on the information received tonight will be made during the next Budget Hearing for the schools on Wednesday, June 10, at 7 pm in Council Chambers. Please join us tonight to hear these reports firsthand and participate in the discussions. Let us know your thoughts and concerns. After the LHS subcommittee meeting, the school committee will go into executive session to discuss rental contracts downtown, as well as union negotiations. Mimi of LiL has a post on the downtown building issue that brings in a number of voices and is worth a read if you haven’t seen it.

There are currently 4 responses to “How many teachers needed at LHS?”

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  1. 1 On June 5th, 2009, Concerned Citizen said:

    Jackie: Have you investigated the FOUR (Kirkland, Lyons, Dana (can’t remember last name) and Zouzas) retired SPED administrators who took early retirement and are now back working at their old jobs? It’s no secret who they are. It’s just disgusting that they can do this completely under the radar. Are they so special that absolutely no other people are qualified to fill those big shoes?

  2. 2 On June 5th, 2009, Jackie said:

    At a Special Education Subcommittee meeting on May 6, we were told that the school department was not in compliance due to vacant Evaulation Team Chair positions (ETC). The following report from Ann Murphy, assistant supt for student services, explains the reasoning: “The remaining ETCs have been attempting to cover meetings in the schools assigned to the retired ETCs, however, due to the volume of work, it is becoming impossible to stay in compliance with regulations. Therefore, I am requesting permission to hire three former ETCs to work part time, on an interim basis, for the remainder of the school year.” The subcommittee recommended this action and the board approved it for the remainder of this school year.

  3. 3 On June 7th, 2009, Concerned Citizen said:

    Thank you for the prompt answer. If that is the case, why were they allowed to take advantage of early retirement in the first place?

  4. 4 On June 8th, 2009, Jackie said:

    I wasn’t aware they took advantage of early retirement.

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