
News, schools, and views from a uniquely Lowell perspective
17th May 2009

Weak argument for appointed school board

posted in Education, In the News, Local People, school committee |

Warren Shaw’s op-ed for an appointed school board in yesterday’s Sun claims a failure in our “system of governance” because of the “current crisis on the Lowell School Committee.” That argument is not only flawed and unfair, it’s undemocratic. The radio host, farmer, and former Dracut selectman argues against elected school committees because he claims Lowell’s board is ineffective:  According to Shaw, one member’s alleged criminal actions puts a whole board in crisis. Shaw also claims elected members can’t negotiate well because they may live near their employees, and centralized control is better because it is less adversarial. Perhaps Mr. Shaw would support appointed legislators next? Many state and federal legislators face judicial scrutiny, get elected by their neighbors, and are adversarial. Yes, our system of governance is at times messy, inefficient, contentious and flawed. (How else to explain eight years of Bush?) But to suggest the solution is cutting voters out of the process is wrongheaded and goes against the democratic foundation on which this nation was built. The remedy for good governance is what it has always been: informed, attentive and active citizenry who hold their elected leaders accountable. 

OK, I admit to being easily aggravated on the issue of appointed school boards. Search this blog for “appointed school committee” and you’ll see several posts on the topic. (This one is dated, but still relevant since the state has yet to enact election-day registration; and I like this one too.)  As for Mr. Shaw, he doesn’t even consider the district’s progress around instruction, professional development, curriculum, and safety when discussing board efficacy, and I doubt his children attended the Lowell Public Schools in the last 10 years (or ever). He also seems unaware that the City Manager is a voting member of the school’s negotiating team or that the state determines Lowell’s minimal share of the costs for educating its students. With all due respect, perhaps Mr. Shaw should stick to Dracut issues which one can assume he knows more about.

There are currently 5 responses to “Weak argument for appointed school board”

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  1. 1 On May 17th, 2009, Margaret said:

    After listening to Warren Shaw pontificate about “stripping school committees of financial authority” on CAP Friday morning (backed up by sycophantic radio hosts), I had a feeling he must be in the Kendall Wallace camp as an advocate for the appointed school committee. I’ve still not heard one good argument for appointing the school committe, and the end result seems to be merely to concentrate control in fewer hands, putting school issues at the mercy of those who might not know or care that much about public education.

  2. 2 On May 17th, 2009, fred b said:

    Warren Shaw’s thought was only printed in the “Sun” only because it’s in line with what Kendall believes,and his goal’s seem to be to pull the ballot out of the voter’s hands and appoint a board to his and the current city council’s likeing.I’ve totally had enough of Lowell Sun politics, and guy’s like Bud, who is nothing more than an, unpaid Sun informant. The Tsongas arena was the sun’s pet project at the time, and so was’nt the Ballpark, with minimal rents both are losers for this town, the only person makeing money there is Drew Weber.May the Lowell Sun close it’s doors sooner rather than later

  3. 3 On May 17th, 2009, warren said:

    Thanks for the response Jackie. The peice was not a shot against your committee , it was about the larger question of finding a better way of to govern our school districts.

    Oh and also.. i didn’t call for appointed school committees.

    happy to debate the question any saturday.


  4. 4 On May 18th, 2009, Jackie said:

    In response to Fred: Despite bouts of disappointment with The Sun’s tendency toward unbalanced and inaccurate coverage of important issues as well as attacks on me personally, I am not among those hoping for the paper’s demise. In fact, I think it would be a real loss for our community. Instead, I’d prefer the leadership review Journalism 101 and Media Ethics, and do a better job! In regards to Warren’s invitation to chat him up on the radio, I’ll let you know when we have a date.

  5. 5 On May 19th, 2009, Jackie said:

    I will be on WCAP with Warren Shaw on Saturday, May 30, at 9 am.

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