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5th April 2009

April poem

posted in Poetry |

April 5, 1974
by Richard Wilbur

The air was soft, the ground still cold.
In the dull pasture where I strolled
Was something I could not believe.
Dead grass appeared to slide and heave,
Though still too frozen-flat to stir,
And rocks to twitch, and all to blur.
What was this rippling of the land?
Was matter getting out of hand
And making free with natural law?
I stopped and blinked, and then I saw
A fact as eerie as a dream,
There was a subtle flood of steam
Moving upon the face of things.
It came from standing pools and springs
And what of snow was still around;
It came of winter’s giving round
So that the freeze was coming out,
As when a set mind, blesed by doubt,
Relaxes into mother-wit.
Flowers, I said, will come of it.

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  1. 1 On April 19th, 2009, Paul Marion said:

    Thanks for the poem by one of our Massachusetts masters, and mark the community and school calendars for the 2nd Massachusetts Poetry Festival in Lowell, set for October 16 and 17.

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