Holiday mail: Season of asking
This time of year, my mailbox is full of welcomed cards from friends and family from near and far, as well as the standard amount of bills. There also seems to be an unprecedented number of requests for donations from different organizations. In a few weeks, I’ve collected requests for money from more than 33 nonprofit groups, most of them doing very important work and deserving of every dime we can spare. Here’s a sample of groups looking for my dime recently: Rosie’s Place, Salvation Army, WGBH, American Heart Association, World Wildlife Fund, National Children’s Leukemia Foundation, New England Home for Little Wanderers, Project Bread, Catholic Relief Services, and Paralyzed Veterans of America. Local groups soliciting me include Merrimack Repertory Theatre, Stand for Children, Saints Memorial Hospital, Lowell General Hospital, Community Teamwork, Girls Inc, Merrimack Valley Food Bank, Acre Family Child Care, Lowell Community Health Center, Lowell Humane Society, Coalition for a Better Acre, and the United Way.
Like most of us, I’ve seen our savings depleted, our home devalued, and our financial solvency destabilized during the recent economic downturn. And yet, the overwhelming requests reflect the real needs of people in our community. In my family, helping others is not only about sharing (as Christ noted, whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you do unto me), but also is based on the very practical understanding that as members of a community, we do not fully prosper if fellow members suffer. And so, we decided an amount we can afford during these tough times (when giving is even more important) and to prioritize who gets the funds. (We’re leaning toward local groups where people we know provide for neighbors in need.)