
News, schools, and views from a uniquely Lowell perspective
4th November 2008

Voting day – record turnout predicted!

posted in National issues, State Concerns |

For a change, the weather is cooperating to help voter turnout. The loyal sign-holders are not shivering and stamping their feet to stay warm or huddled under dripping umbrellas, but basking in the autumnal sunshine.

Jackie’s out and about today, phone-banking for Obama, working the Election Day Bake Sale at the Daley School, and holding signs to vote “No” on Question 1. She just gave me the news that in Colorado, they are predicting a 90% turnout. From Secretary of State Galvin’s office, the prediction for Massachusetts is 83-88%! In Lowell, we have about 47,000 registered voters, of which around 12,000 turnout to vote for the local elections. I think it is at least twice that for a presidential year, but still nowhere near the 80% level.

My family and I just returned from voting at the Pine Street Firehouse (Ward 8-1). It was our son’s first time casting a ballot. There was no line and no bake sale, alas, but turnout in our precinct was already 455, which is pretty high. At the Sullivan School, one precinct that typically gets 1,200 voters had over 1,000 counted by noon, with long lines at the other precinct that votes at the school. Long lines were also reported at the Chelmsford polls during the morning rush hour.

Jackie said that bake sale profits at the Daley have already topped the typical total amount, so get out there and vote and buy a brownie or two to support your school’s PTO. For added incentive, Starbucks is giving a free coffee to those who have voted.

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  1. 1 On November 4th, 2008, Jackie said:

    Just got back from 12 hours of election-day activities as Margaret mentions above, most of which was spent in the Highlands. In Lowell, I not only saw record numbers of voters, but more Asian voters, young voters, and first-time voters of all ages, several of whom travelled to multiple sites to find their polling location(the greatest mixup seemed to be between the Bailey/Daley Schools). After recent years of growing voter apathy, the air was electric with the excitement of a thriving democratic process. Now, if only they pick the right guy…

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