
News, schools, and views from a uniquely Lowell perspective
12th August 2008

Back to school with Dr. Chris

posted in Education |

Our new superintendent of schools, Dr. Chris Scott, was on UML Sunrise last Thursday. I missed it, but thanks to their prompt podcasting, I was able to hear it this morning. Host Bob Ellis, alluding to lack of funding, negative media and fractious school committee, asked the obvious question: “Why would you want this job?” Dr. Scott defended the school committee who give up personal and family time to do the job, saying it is easy to complain and criticize when you maybe don’t have all the facts that go into a decision. She praised the delegation for the work they do in getting money for the schools, while conceding that across the board education could be given more financial support by the State. She added that Lowell is the “coolest urban center in the Commonwealth” and that our school system has had twenty years of great leadership and has gained a reputation for being on the “cutting edge of best practices.” For Dr. Scott, coming to Lowell was like winning the “professional lottery.”

My take: she has enthusiasm, good ideas and the practical know-how to get things done. She understands where the system is and where it needs to be. She’s looking beyond the department into the community to make connections and form partnerships. This is all good. For the first time in a long time, I’m feeling hopeful about our community and our schools.

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  1. 1 On August 17th, 2008, Lowell Guy said:

    Keep your head down, Chris, and put on your Kevlar skivvies. Before long, Kendall Wallace and the other Lowell Sun hacks will be looking for blood in the water.

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