
News, schools, and views from a uniquely Lowell perspective
19th May 2008

Q & A with school department

posted in Education, Local Groups |

The Citywide Parent Council will meet tonight at Lowell High School, in the LET Channel 22 TV studio for a question and answer session with a panel of LPS administrators, including principals from each level and representatives from central office. Given the planned budget cuts and change in leadership at the district level, this will give parents a chance to air concerns and get information.  The meeting will be broadcast live on channel 22 and viewers can call in with questions or email to lowellcpc@comcast.net (questions may be sent in advance of the meeting). 

In addition, the CPC will be electing officers for next year.  Jackie and I both served on the executive board of the CPC and found it a rewarding experience.  You don’t have to be an officer to be on the board, and it is a great way to get the ‘big picture’ of the Lowell schools, meet other involved parents, work closely with the superintendent and her staff, and make a real difference for all Lowell school children.  If interested, contact any of the current board members or show up tonight and sign up; it’s as easy as that!

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