
News, schools, and views from a uniquely Lowell perspective
20th April 2008

Buyback issue regarding unions

posted in Education, In the News, Money Matters |

I love this quote from yesterday’s Sun editorial: “We know many elected officials won’t have the courage to buck the vote-getting unions, so the state should lend a hand by requiring unions to relinquish these pricey perks.” (my bold) Obviously this editor is unaware or considers irrelevant the hours and hours (sometimes until 3 in the morning) for more than a year of months on end that the school committee met in negotiations (finally with a state mediator) trying to forge an agreement with the school unions regarding benefits and salary adjustments. When your priority is what’s best for our children, NOT having an agreement or having teachers “work-to-rule” isn’t in the equation. Having unhappy or pressured staff—even the most dedicated are pressured to conform to their union’s call for solidarity—distracts everyone from focusing on the education of our children.

So a RESOUNDING YES to this editor for calling on the state to require unions to relinquish pricey perks because the reality is God doesn’t have enough money to buy these perks out of union contracts—even to grandfather-in current employees and cap future buyback requires more resources than is remotely possible in the near future. Consider this: after about 18 months of meetings, the Lowell School Committee negotiated contracts that included a 2.5% salary increase the first year, 3% subsequently—not exorbitant certainly. Yet, that’s about $3 million more we’ll need for next year’s budget, and it doesn’t include the increases in health care (we spend about $15 million on health benefits and it’s expected to go up at least 10 percent), utilities, heat etc. Just as we have seen our gas, food, and living expenses increase in our personal lives, so have school-department costs. As someone trying to be a fair employer and provide the best education for our children amid rising costs and shrinking resources, lack of courage, as this editor so casually claims, is not the primary problem.

There is currently one response to “Buyback issue regarding unions”

Why not let us know what you think by adding your own comment! Your opinion is as valid as anyone elses, so come on... let us know what you think.

  1. 1 On April 26th, 2008, K-R-S said:

    Perhaps the sick leave buy back should be looked at state wide? Perhaps the writer of this
    Ed. should look at sick time buy back throughout the state AND put the onous of
    responsibility back on the State Legislature. THIS, I doubt, because, these same
    legislators rely upon these very unions for votes.
    After being out of town for several days, I took a look at todays headlines in the Sun.
    What struck me, was the article about Guv. Patrick and his apparent loss of
    “popularity” over the course of a few weeks.
    Now, being one that did and DOES support the Guv, it strikes me that, no matter what Guv we elect,
    they wind up w/ a low rating after a couple of brush ins with the Speaker and does not matter
    who it is.
    Point blank, the Speaker is a back door Guv in this State.
    Speaking of the “speaker”, perhaps, when he supports a health care reform bill,
    he should ACTUALLY find a means to FUND it.

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