
News, schools, and views from a uniquely Lowell perspective
10th February 2008

The importance of subcommittees

posted in Education |

When the Personnel Subcommittee met in January to discuss the formation of the Superintendent Search Committee, the power of the subcommittee was revealed.  While all of the school committee members and many members of the public attended and were allowed to speak, only three people (subcommittee members Conway, Faticanti and Martin) made the important decisions relating to the composition of the Search Committee.  Not for the first time, I thought how important it is that people know what subcommittees there are, who is on them, and what issues they are planning to address.  Therefore, I was really glad to see that the School Committee voted to continue televising the LHS subcommittee meetings and hope that they will eventually expand that effort to all of the subcommittees. 

Subcommittees are created and appointed by the Mayor, another example of the hidden power of this supposedly ceremonial position.  There are currently 16 school subcommittees, two of which are ad hoc and one which is a joint subcommittee with the city council; to see the current list and make-up of these subcommittees, visit our new page under School Committee.

There are currently 3 responses to “The importance of subcommittees”

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  1. 1 On February 10th, 2008, Lynne said:

    Wow, great resource page…the more information out there, the better.

    What would be really cool is that when one of these subcommittees meets and important issues (or even just basic, simple ones) are discussed and votes cast, to have an ongoing series from you guys with short overviews on what happened for people to tap into quickly (then, a link to the online streaming archive for people who really want to see what happened in detail!). It wouldn’t have to be much, as the meetings will be available for viewing too. :)

    Of course, something like that takes a lot of time…which I’m volunteering you guys for (haha), but I know I would be very interested in reading these things…I want to keep an eye on the School Committee and its activities, but don’t have the time to watch everything. I imagine there’s a lot of people out there with the same problem!

  2. 2 On February 10th, 2008, Margaret said:

    You’re right that this would be a great service to offer, Lynne, but who has time?? Maybe I can get a corps of volunteer parents together and have each one take on a different subcommittee to report on….

  3. 3 On February 11th, 2008, Jackie said:

    We can at least start with the televised LHS subcommittee, which I will post on tomorrow including the agenda etc. That way folks can tune in the television and catch it live even if they can’t make it to the meeting. The problem is all the other school subcommittees are not televised…

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