
News, schools, and views from a uniquely Lowell perspective
6th November 2007

Election Day!

posted in Local Politics |

Please vote! The polls are open from 7:00 am – 8:00 pm; if you need to find out where to vote, see the map of polling locations on the city website.

The canvassing, mailing, advertising and strategizing are done.  The final task of campaigning remains, which is to stand out at different polling locations, holding-or more likely, leaning on a sign, greeting voters and trying to stay warm. Whether this type of poll visibility does any good or not is a matter of opinion. Before I got involved in politics, I did not enjoy having to walk a gauntlet of sign-holders, avoiding eye contact and feeling rather embarrassed for those people who felt compelled to force their opinions on the ordinary citizen who was just trying to vote in peace. Now, that I am a seasoned campaigner, I am one of those embarassing people and I know what it’s like to stand out there for 6 or 8 hours at a stretch.  I now appreciate the hard work, dedication and zeal of these folks.  These days when voting, I make a point to say an encouraging word as I pass by.  (Similarly, I always wave and beep my horn at sign-holders standing at busy intersections, whether I am for the candidate or not.) So, spare a nod and a smile for the cold and hungry campaign workers and candidates who hover near the polls and, if I may give a final plug for our favorite school committee candidate – I hope you’ll remember the hard work, dedication and zeal that Jackie has brought to her work on the committee day in and day out for the last four years (and in the 5 years previous as a parent volunteer). She’s Number 25 on the ballot–let’s continue the progress we’ve made and support excellent schools in Lowell!

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