Voter turnout
It’s supposed to rain tomorrow, which doesn’t bode well for voter turnout, although the weather was perfectly fine two years ago and the turnout remained stagnant at around 25%. Thinking about voter turnout and why people vote or don’t vote compelled me to look at the data for the last few local elections compared to that of 2004. As you can see below, in the last two local elections (2003 and 2005), voter turnout has remained at around 26% in Lowell, with only about 12,000 of the registered voters in the city bothering to vote. While the number of registered voters has increased since 1999 and 2001, the percentage who vote has actually gone down, who knows why? The really interesting contrast is between the local elections and the presidential election of 2004. Imagine if 30,000 people turned out to vote tomorrow!
Turnout Registered %
1999 14300 44431 32
2001 14708 45381 32
2003 12222 47048 26
2004 29148 48405 60
2005 12653 47484 27