
News, schools, and views from a uniquely Lowell perspective
5th April 2007

Banker buys cow

posted in Art, Local Groups |

Stopping in for an impromptu lunch at Lowell health food oasis, Life Alive, several of us bloggers sat with Enterprise Bank Chairman George Duncan.  The conversation ranged from health food to local politics (MA-05 in particular) and quite naturally to blogging, about which we had a lot to say, as you might imagine. Lynne of Left in Lowell mentioned that she is an artist (in addition to being a blogger, radio host, political activist, web designer, etc), which led the conversation to art, which led to us getting a mini-tour of Enterprise Bank’s Middle Street offices where Mr. Duncan proceeded to show us some of the local art he has purchased to adorn the office walls. There were some beautiful Lowell-themed pieces by Tom Gill that looked great on the exposed brick walls; however, the piece that stood out for us was Heidi Jackson’s “Have we met someplace?” which is shown below:


When Mr. Duncan goes on an art-buying expedition at the Brush Art Gallery or the Western Ave Studios, he brings back his choices and lets bank employees select which ones they would like in their offices. While chatting and viewing the soon- to-be-expanded office space and the beautiful conference room that is available to community groups, we learned that Enterprise Bank was voted the #1 best place to work of mid-sized companies in Massachusetts (Boston Business Journal, 2006). Looking around at the light, art-filled offices and the smiling employees, we weren’t surprised.

By the way, to learn more about Heidi Jackson, you can visit her at her website or go to Western Ave Open Studios this Saturday. As on every first Saturday of the month, from noon to 5:00 pm, the Western Ave artists will open their doors to the public. Who knows, you too might buy a cow or other unusual piece of art!

There are currently 4 responses to “Banker buys cow”

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  1. 1 On April 5th, 2007, Lynne said:

    Nice piece about our fun impromptu tour! I knew about the art purchases, since that was a big deal around WAS a while back, but I had no idea the extent of his collection. It’s a who’s-who of local artists. George Duncan is a model business leader as far as I’m concerned, for the work environment he promotes and for giving local artists a much-needed buyer for their work.

    It’s an amazing space and the art looks great in it.

  2. 2 On April 7th, 2007, JOE BISHOP said:

    Why don’t you ask George Duncan about how the Federal Reserve was created instead of this fluff about how he “chooses and picks art?”

    My guess is Mr. Duncan will have no idea. Banks are merely a tool for inflation – they have no repercussions for how they do business. The name of the game is “bail out” – if they do a poor job, big brother is always there to rescue banks from demise.

  3. 3 On April 8th, 2007, Margaret said:

    Wow, Joe, this was a chance lunch meeting, not an in-depth look at the banking industry. And, I happen to think art is important and worth writing about.

  4. 4 On April 9th, 2007, JOE BISHOP said:

    Margaret, you talk about a banker and the art he chooses. The real story is the banker and if he knows his banking.

    George Duncan is as complicit as Ben Bernanke and Greenspan were in the debacle, and sham, that the Federal Reserve perpetuates: which is that fractional reserve banking, fiat money, and an unbacked currency are healthy for the economy. Unfortunately, history has shown otherwise.

    Maybe if the banking industry actually did sound business, George Duncan wouldn’t be purchasing art!

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