Youth rock political forum
I loved the UTEC city council candidates’ forum last night and was glad to experience it firsthand. For a complete take on the event, check Marie’s post. This is the second time I’ve watched council candidates face the exuberant, joyful UTEC teens. Last time was in 2003 and some of the candidates looked as uncomfortable then as they did last night—kind of like deer caught in the headlights. But UTEC has gone high tech since that earlier debate; last night’s performance was a multi-media, high energy event that was truly fun. The “Price is Right” game show format for deciding who answers questions first, the fact that it was held at UTEC’s new facility and taped by LTC for later broadcast, and the entertainment were all added features to this year’s event, which truly made it a rocking political experience. The teens were loudly supportive of each other and the candidates. They also had some great questions about jobs and stores for youngsters, teen homelessness, transportation, and the city manager’s contract. As expected with 30-second sound bites, the answers tended to be short on substance as well as time. By far, the best part for me was the incredible energy of the students and the singing, dancing, and poetry performances. For a broadcast schedule, check:
City Council Forum: Saturday (11/3) @ 6pm on Ch. 10
Saturday (11/3) @ 8pm on Ch. 8 Saturday (11/3) @ 3pm on Ch. 95
Sunday (11/4) @ 6pm on Ch. 10 Sunday (11/4) @ 3pm on Ch. 95
Monday (11/5) @ 4pm on Ch. 10
Monday (11/5) @ 3pm on Ch. 95