
News, schools, and views from a uniquely Lowell perspective
14th July 2007

Created equal? NOT!

posted in Education |

I learned life wasn’t fair in the eighth grade when I got detention for being late while two other girls didn’t. I probably learned it much earlier but that particular time it resonated with me—perhaps because the teacher nonchalantly explained “life isn’t fair; you may as well learn it now,” in response to my complaint about his random acts of punishment. I may have learned it then, but I have never stopped fighting against it. I still get incredibly frustrated when I am struck, yet again, by how unfair life can be. Is it fair that my parents encouraged and supported me while some children have no one at home who cares? Is it fair that some people are gifted and bright, while others struggle to read? No, life is not fair, and we are not born equal: the circumstances of our birth often determine who will be become and what opportunities will be presented to us. Yet, it is opportunity that provides hope, and that is why good public schools are so important. We must provide all children—whether they live in Lowell or Lexington, whether their parents are CEOs or bus drivers—with the opportunity to get an excellent education. No matter how hard we try, we cannot end unfairness. It is a fact of life. But we can work to provide equal educational opportunity. It won’t take away unfairness, but it will make it more bearable.  


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