
News, schools, and views from a uniquely Lowell perspective
10th June 2007

Good to do that which scares you

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I didn’t win the Dancing with Lowell Stars competition last night, although judging by the number of people there and the results of the auction, I’d say the Friends of Shedd Park had a huge win in their goal to raise funds. As far as being terrified, three things really helped me: First, I had a glass of wine to calm my nerves. Second, as the music started, I looked up and saw the supportive faces of family and friends and couldn’t help but feel better, and third, once I got going, the cheers from the audience encouraged and energized me. I actually found myself having fun and getting into the dance—smiling, shaking, and hamming it up. All in all, I’m really glad I took on the challenge. Despite my fear, I gave it my best effort, and I think did a pretty good job. To me, that makes it a total win. All the dancers were exceptional and put on an entertaining, fun-filled show, and even Kendall Wallace would have to agree—no one made fools of themselves. Instead, we had a great time for a great cause. The actual winners were Carolyn Cox and Gene Manley who performed to “Now that I can Dance” and had an amazing ending where she leapt into his arms and he twirled her around to thunderous applause. Carolyn, like me, was terrified before performing and elated afterwards. (I guess you can’t beat how thrilled and relieved you feel after you do that which scares you.) By the way, that feeling is supposed to be good for you. So find something you want to do that you haven’t tried because of fear, and go for it!

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