Mean for meanness sake
Today’s Boston Globe has an op-ed about the need to re-institute the Fairness Doctrine amid the current lack of civility in today’s media. That point should resonate with anyone who pays attention to Lowell politics and our own media outlets, particularly our local newspaper. (Local radio, some blogs, and internet comments especially, also can be harsh, but that’s a post for another day.) According to the Globe op ed: “…consider the state of ‘mainstream media’ outlets. Increasingly they dine on the same fears and ginned-up wrath as talk radio. Rather than wondering, ‘Does this story serve the public good?’ they ask. ‘Will it get ratings?’”
It’s no surprise that mainstream media is a business out to make money, but what is problematic is when accuracy falls victim to sensationalizing the story, and personal attacks take on an obsessive, mean-spiritedness. (The editors then wonder why more people don’t run for office.) LiL has a recent, snub-nosed post about some nastiness from The Sun after the 2007 election, and here is my response to that long ago taunt. Yesterday, The Sun Column was at it again, and although I was not a direct target this time, I couldn’t help but twinge in discomfort over the cruel ridicule bestowed on others. These are people with families who are members of our community, who put their names on the ballot, and who risk very public failure to run for an elected position that pays little and demands much. Regardless of their shortcomings or the final tally of votes, don’t they at least deserve a modicum of decency in how it’s covered? (Don’t we all?) In my family, we learned early that it takes courage to risk failure and work for your goals, and that equally important to being a good loser is being a graceful winner. The hateful words are unnecessary and harmful, not only to the individuals named, but to our entire community.
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