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We found the sun

I heard on the radio this morning that since May 1, we have had only three full days of sunshine as if you haven’t noticed. Notwithstanding damp basements and ruined vegetable gardens, one positive aspect of all this rain is that when the sun finally returns, it will be well appreciated—a joyful event. I know, because we recently returned from five full days of sun and hot weather (high 80s) in North Carolina, and it was well worth the expense of the plane ride. Our joy was also enhanced by the fact that we spent the entire time visiting with family and doing fun-in-the-sun stuff such as swimming, jet skiing, tubing, and kneeboarding (similar to wakeboarding only on your knees) on a huge lake about an hour from Charlotte. As true New Englanders, in addition to being sturdy enough to deal with all kinds of finicky weather, we know enough to appreciate the gift of a warm summer breeze and blinding sunshine when it happens. Here’s a few takebacks from our North Carolina trip: When people call me ma’am I feel old, the lakes are black-water dark because of muddy bottoms, poisonous snakes swim in those lakes, and according to my kids “people are so nice hereespecially our cousins.” And while it’s no secret that sun deprivation can cause depression, now that I’m back and feeling sunny, I’m counting on finally having those rays closer to home…

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