High school on the chopping block
Tomorrow night, the Lowell School Committee will resume budget hearings at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. The meeting will be televised live on LTC channel 10, public participation is welcome, and if you are concerned about the high school, please come down and participate. With enrollment at the high school hovering at about 650 students less than five years ago, the administration is recommending a 10% reduction in teaching staff. Also recommended is a 50% reduction in the television studio staff, elimination of programs such as after-school detention and Saturday morning tutor/buy back, as well as cuts to custodians, clerks, parent liaisons, and instructional technology specialists. The administration also recommends not filling several open administrative positions, such as database administrator, family consumer science chair, and coordinator of student support services. In addition to these recommended reductions, last week high school administrators were instructed by members of the LHS subcommittee to identify an additional $400,000 in administrative cuts. To date, the committee has reduced spending by about $4.5 million district wide, primarily by closing the Rogers Middle School along with a number of central office reductions. The general feeling is that millions more are needed to meet the shortfall. (Check here to see the budget.) There are also several reductions to assistant coaches being recommended, but those decisions may be deferred until after the Athletics Subcommittee meets on Thursday, 6 p.m., at 155 Merrimack Street.
posted in Education, Lowell High, Money Matters | 4 Comments