
News, schools, and views from a uniquely Lowell perspective

School budget hearings start today

Beginning at 1 p.m. in Council Chambers, the Lowell School Committee will begin hearings for the FY 2010 budget.  The public is invited to attend and comment on the budget in general or on specific line items. You may also watch the proceedings live from LTC’s municipal channel 10. Due to increased costs to provide the same services and programs, a level service budget would require an increase of about $14 million. Taking into account a federal stimulus contribution of $4.7 million, a level-funded contribution from the state, and the city manager’s indication that he will be recommending the City Council reduce its appropriation by $5 million, there is a budget shortfall of over $9 million. Last year, the city appropriated about $19 million for the schools while the state contribution was about $118 million. The manager’s recommendation represents about a 28% cut in the city’s contribution to its schools. Today, the committee will begin making decisions to reduce staff and programs to bridge that shortfall. Please pay attention and be involved.

posted in Education, Money Matters | 2 Comments

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