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Pollard Library has Friends

I read with interest Marie’s post on the future of public libraries, especially the comment pointing out that Lowell’s library is perhaps the “second or third worst per capita funded library in the state.” This situation is not likely to improve with the looming budget difficulties, but libraries can be havens in tough times, providing a wealth of material for job-seekers, students or individuals who can no longer support a book-buying habit out of the household budget. It is that clean, well-lighted place that we all yearn for at times. The library needs and deserves our support. So, what, besides being a patron and paying your fines, can you do? You can join the Friends of the Pollard Memorial Library, the group that puts on the annual book sale. If interested in supporting them passively with modest dues or being more involved as a volunteer at the sale, contact Janis at friendsofpml@yahoo.com. They also need books for this year’s sale, which can be dropped off tomorrow (or May 2) between 9 am and 12 noon, a the Lowell Senior Center, 276 Broadway. And mark your calendar for Saturday, May 16, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm, for the sale. It’s a great way to support a great cause. (If you join the friends, you can go to the Preview Sale, Friday night, May 15, 5:30 pm- 7:00 pm, refeshments served).

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