Powell support powerful endorsement
As a Barack Obama supporter, I was thrilled to read in today’s Boston Globe that Colin Powell had endorsed his candidacy. Powell, a former chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Secretary of State, and National Security Advisor under Republican and Democratic presidents, brings his own brand of credibility to this election, and his approval is a huge asset to Obama’s campaign. I remember years ago reading Powell’s autobiography, My American Journey, and being struck by his work ethic and his commitment to do his best at whatever task he was given—even if it was simply washing the floor. He was a man who commanded respect on both sides of the aisle. Powell later disappointed me in 2003 when he spoke before the United Nations Security Council and made a half-baked case built on misinformation that led to the U.S. invasion into Iraq. At that time, I remember thinking that he had caved to the Bush administration and compromised himself out of loyalty to his leader—a true soldier after all. Despite that flawed decision, Powell’s integrity and intelligence remain intact, as demonstrated by this quote in response to the scare tactics from the McCain campaign about Obama’s alleged terrorist connections and faith:
“If you’re an American, you’re an American. We have got to stop this kind of nonsense and pull ourselves together and realize the strength of this country is our diversity and our unity.”
Yeah, Powell gets it. It shouldn’t be about the color of your skin or the name of your house of worship. Scare tactics should be recognized for what they are: feeble attempts to divide us by folks with no real solutions. The only way we are truly going to deal effectively with the economic, international, and environmental crisis we find ourselves in is with a leader who has the ability to look forward, build consensus, and unify our nation. In this race, that man is Barack Obama.
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