Both sides of the question
I wasn’t really sure who Rep. Jay Kaufman (15th Middlesex) was (until I googled him) but I’m on his email list and I found out that he is hosting a forum on Question 1. It’s tomorrow night, Thursday, September 17 at 7:30 pm at the “historic depot on Massachusetts Ave in downtown Lexington.” As decribed in the email, this will be an in-depth look at both sides of Question 1:
from an end to overburdening policies and programs that force one to live in ‘Taxachusetts’ to the potential devastating loss of basic services if over $12 billion in revenue were suddenly stricken from the books
Kamel Jain, from the Committee on Small Government, which sponsored Question 1, and Michael Widmer, President of the Massachusetts Taxpayers Association, which opposes the measure, will join Rep. Kaufman.
So, thanks Rep. Kaufman for doing this. I’m not sure how I got on your mailing list, but I like your style. I think there should be more of these face-to-face encounters and hashing out of issues in public and apparently he makes a regular habit of hosting these public policy forums. This one could not be more timely or pertinent. Unfortunately, I can’t make it so I really hope some other bloggers attend and can report back.
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