Questioning the residency requirement
Check out the city council meeting tonight (6:30 pm on Channel 10) to see how our elected officials vote on the residency requirement. I have an instinctive dislike of such a motion; it seems xenophobic and petty to me, and I have a few questions about it. First of all, why are we even wasting time on this? I don’t recall this coming up on any councilor’s campaign platform. I don’t think it has much to do with economic development, neighborhood improvement plans, or ‘giving back to the city.’ As someone who is very concerned about our public school system, I am glad to know that teachers (and all union employees) are exempt from such a requirement. It’s my understanding that whatever the council decides tonight will not impact school hiring, even for non-union employees. I want to know that our schools can hire the best and most qualified candidates for the job, regardless of where they live. Why shouldn’t that be the most important requirement for any city job?
It’s funny, but there was a motion to have a residency requirement for the superintendent search committee that failed with very little support. Mayor Caulfield spoke out vehemently against it, asking why we should deny ourselves the services of a CEO of a company who might live in Andover or why we should restrict Chancellor Marty Meehan from choosing the most qualified person from his staff to be on the committee, someone who might not live in Lowell. The same logic should apply to hiring anyone who works for the city. (To see what Councilor Caulfield had to say on the residency requirement when it was debated back in 1994, see this interesting post by Dick Howe.)
I’ll certainly be watching to see how the Mayor (and the rest of the council) votes tonight!
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