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Can’t deny gender/race in presidential campaign

Despite the fanfare about how base it is to vote for someone because of their sex or skin color, the fact is, we have never had a viable female or black candidate for president of the United States until this campaign. When I told my daughter, who was 10 at the time, that the race for Massachusetts governor would set a precedent—by electing the first black or the first woman to run the state—the look of incredulous horror on her face made me realize just how far our society has evolved. (Thank God.) I guess I’m one of those people who tries to vote the candidate and the issues because even though I wanted to support a woman as lieutenant governor, I felt Tim Murray was the best candidate, so he got my vote. That said, it infuriates me when the political pundits (and some bloggers) make reference to whether Hillary Clinton’s jacket makes her butt look big or which other candidates will kiss her hello, or if her assertiveness is b—-y and her emotion sincere—issues that don’t come up with male candidates. So over the next few days, we’ll take a look at these candidates for their merits, their message, and what we think they will do as leaders. That said, I admit to being pleased that the fifth district sent a woman and a good candidate to Washington—finally! 

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