Mayors’ Coalition supports Muni Partnership proposal
I got a letter today from Mayor Thomas G. Ambrosino of Revere, Chairman of the Metropolitan Mayors’ Coalition, urging support for Deval Patrick’s Municipal Partnership legislation. I already support it, as I think we need something to help cities and towns now and also to start to break our dependence on the property tax to fund local programs, especially schools. The Mayors are calling for supporters to be vocal and proactive by calling legislators, radio talk shows, talking to neighbors, etc. Supporters can also rally at the State House with the Governor, legislators and municipal leaders on Thursday, June 21, at 1:00 pm.
I am impressed by the effort of the Mayors’ Coalition to rally supporters around this initiative; but the letter was obviously geared toward supporters. Convincing others, including some of our lawmakers, of the importance of passing this legislation as well as working to reform our tax system altogether is more difficult. For that, I refer you to a recent editorial in the Lowell Sun by Bentley Adjunct Professor of Economics John Edward of Chelmsford. Edward is reframing the more »
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