
News, schools, and views from a uniquely Lowell perspective

New project shows beauty in diversity at LHS

At Lowell High School, the Cultural Welcome Wall speaks to me, saying: We are the world and we are beautiful! Funded by the Behrakis Foundation, this project was a collaborative effort that included teachers and students from graphic arts, photography, and communications, as well as a photographer from the Lowell arts community (Meghan Moore). On display in the lobby of the high school, the Wall includes 42 student portraits and the word welcome listed in 32 languages and sizes that correspond to the diversity of the school. For instance, graphic design students researched, created and drew Arabic, Khmer, and Chinese symbols for welcome. Other languages represented include Swahili, Japanese, and Spanish, which you can see in the photo below. (Bienvenido is written in large font because of the many Latino students at the high school while Swahili is much smaller in size.) In addition, students and staff created a powerful video-documentary that juxtaposed student interviews about experiences from their families’ past and being part of the high school, with acclimating to the weather or simply saying welcome in their native tongue. “The wall reminds us that although our faces and languages and cultures are very different, we share a common bond: we are members of one community,” notes summary text. The entire project is a living testament to why Lowell High School—175 years after it was founded as the first co-ed, integrated, public high school in the country—continues to be an amazing place to get an education.  Do yourself a favor and check it out before school ends on June 12.





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