
News, schools, and views from a uniquely Lowell perspective

UTEC honors Dr. Baehr

Before you go away for the long weekend, make plans to attend this event next week:

The United Teen Equality Center (UTEC) is honoring Dr. Karla Brooks Baehr as “Adult Ally of the Year” at their annual semi-formal fundraiser on Wednesday, May 28, 5:30-8:30, at their new location at 34 Hurd Street (across from the Doubletree Hotel).  Dinner will be served, along with fabulous performances by UTEC’s talented teens; there will be a silent auction and the opportunity to both honor our outgoing school superintendent, who has truly been a force for positive change for youth in the city for 8 years, and support UTEC’s dream of building a brighter future for Lowell.  Tickets are $60 and can be purchased online.

posted in Local Groups, Youth | 0 Comments

With so few voters, why not appoint everyone?

Today’s Boston Globe had an interesting column by Adrian Walker in support of Election Day Registration. I agree with Walker: “The real issue here isn’t lack of money, or fraud. It’s inertia. There just isn’t any sense of urgency about voting issues. The way people register and vote now has worked just fine for the people who already hold office. Why change it now?” In an earlier post, I discussed reasons why Massachusetts should join many other states, including neighbors New Hampshire and Maine, and allow people to register AND vote on election day. According to this New England Cable News interview between Chet Curtis and Avi Green, executive director of MassVOTE, a non-partisan voters rights organization; Massachusetts ranks 21st in voter turnout. (Green does a decent job of addressing opposing concerns during the interview.)

As our own recent local elections have shown, we in the Merrimack Valley are not strangers to voter apathy. What is strange, however, is the apparent silence from the Lowell Sun on this issue. Despite its regular lament on poor voter turnout, which is often accompanied by a suggestion for an appointed school committee as if that would induce more folks to vote (a pet peeve of mine), the local paper has not written one editorial on Election Day Registration. Meanwhile, the bill languishes while the clock is ticking to pass this legislation in time for the upcoming presidential election. I heard our own State Senator Steve Panagiatakos is working out a compromise to make it happen—thanks Steve! But from where I sit, S2514 should pass: We’re looking at voter increases of about 250,000 more young people, minorities, and perhaps even those who had given up on the system. The fact is, without voters, we don’t have a democracy, and this bill will help bring voters back. Then again, we could just go to appointed school committees (selectmen, councilors, whatever) and forget the whole election thing…

LiL has also written on this issue with 30 comments responding to this post.

posted in In the News, Local Groups, Local Politics, State Concerns | 0 Comments

Highlights from CPC

I tuned in late, but was impressed by the school department panel who answered parent questions (see below for full panel) at last night’s Citywide Parent Council meeting.  The CPC had three broad questions for the whole panel: 1. How will budget changes affect their jobs and the students they serve (I missed this one, but the meeting will be rebroadcast on LET Channel 22, starting next Monday night.) 2. What can a parent expect from their school, and what is the best way to communicate a concern (one way to answer the last part of this question is to see the CPC’s excellent “How-to Guide for Parents in the Lowell Public Schools.”) 3. What change would they make if money were no object? The answers to the last question were great, especially from Jim DiProfio, who wished for money to “level the playing field,” and give kids what they need, whether it’s a bus pass, a meal, or a visit to a college campus.  Eilish Connaughton agreed, adding she’d restore Allied Arts to the middle schools. Cut in 2003, industrial arts, cooking and sewing programs may seem like fluff to budget hawks, but as Principal Connaughton pointed out, they offer hands-on opportunities that open doors for some struggling students, especially during those difficult middle years.  

A timely question, this one by email, was whether a young family should leave Lowell because of budget cuts to our schools (see comments under previous post). The answers were illuminating: Pam Buchek shared testimony about Lowell teachers who have been to workshops in other districts returned marvelling at how far ahead our schools are in curriculum and instruction; Jean Franco spoke of student diversity; Wendy Jack mentioned that four LHS graduates will attend MIT and one will go to Harvard this year. And Fred McOsker talked about the ability to go from pre-K to a doctoral degree without leaving Lowell. (Lots of our local leaders talk about the K-16 and beyond pathway available in Lowell which is an exciting way to think about it!) It was great to see the commitment and passion these educators bring to their jobs; thanks to the CPC and the Lowell Public Schools for producing such an informative meeting!  more »

posted in Education, Local Groups | 2 Comments

Decision on recycling imminent…

A subcommittee meeting tonight, May 20, at 5 pm in Council Chambers may determine the fate of recycling efforts in Lowell, according to an update from my husband Jay Mason, who is a member of the Citizens Action Committee (CAC) for recycling. Interested folks should attend the meeting because even though it looks like the recycling program will continue—at least for now—how that happens has not been decided yet. The manager and council must modify the program, which has been costing the city millions, to see whether residents will improve recycling from the current rate of 10% up to 30% at least. The CAC advocates a plan that combines an increased base fee with a pay as you through (PAYT) program. The base fee would increase from $100 to $150 per year, and residents would pay $1.50 per bag for trash disposal. Even with this plan, however, Lowell’s recycling program will not pay for itself, but the city’s cost would plummet from a $4.4 million deficit to a $200,000 deficit—a major step in the right direction. Also, depending on ordinances for bulky items and electronics, the city could do better financially. The increased base and PAYT system will offer citizens a disposal program that incentivizes recyclers, makes those who don’t recycle pay for it, and provides an affordable way for the city to be environmentally responsible. How can we not do it? Note: Earlier posts on this topic can be found here, on Dick Howe’s blog, as well as on LiL.

posted in City Life, Environment, Local Groups | 0 Comments

Q & A with school department

The Citywide Parent Council will meet tonight at Lowell High School, in the LET Channel 22 TV studio for a question and answer session with a panel of LPS administrators, including principals from each level and representatives from central office. Given the planned budget cuts and change in leadership at the district level, this will give parents a chance to air concerns and get information.  The meeting will be broadcast live on channel 22 and viewers can call in with questions or email to lowellcpc@comcast.net (questions may be sent in advance of the meeting). 

In addition, the CPC will be electing officers for next year.  Jackie and I both served on the executive board of the CPC and found it a rewarding experience.  You don’t have to be an officer to be on the board, and it is a great way to get the ‘big picture’ of the Lowell schools, meet other involved parents, work closely with the superintendent and her staff, and make a real difference for all Lowell school children.  If interested, contact any of the current board members or show up tonight and sign up; it’s as easy as that!

posted in Education, Local Groups | 0 Comments

Do what it takes to get folks recycling

Fellow bloggers LiL and Richard Howe both post today on the recycling debate before the Lowell City Council. At issue is the fact that the city recycles at a rate of only 10% which results in a $4.4 million deficit in the cost of running the program. To recoup these expenses and encourage recycling, Lowell should do a combination of pay-as-you-throw (PAYT)—one bag a week per household with additional bags costing $1.50 each—along with a slight increase in the base fee (from $100 to $150 annually). This way, the city’s recycling program will break even while also encouraging more folks to recycle. Consider this: Brockton, a city similar in size and demographics to Lowell, recently instituted PAYT along with an annual base fee of $280; initial results show improvement, with 23% recycling. Worcester, a much larger city although also similar in demographics, has been charging PAYT since 1988 with great results—44% recycling. In Lowell, landlords pay the base fee for each unit, condo residents do not pay for recycling but do contribute to the general fund which is impacted by the deficit, and there is no overall requirement to recycle. Lowell should have an ordinance that mandates everyone recycle because even though it’s the right thing to do, unfortunately that’s not enough motivation for some folks. (Nor is the fact that it will save us all money in the long run.) Disclosure: My husband, Jay Mason, is a member of the city manager’s Green Building Commission and has been actively involved in the citizens’ movement to improve recycling in Lowell.

posted in City Life, Environment, Local Groups, Local Politics, Money Matters | 0 Comments

I’m a believer!

Did you know that May is National Bike Month? In Massachusetts we also have “Bay State Bike Week” (May 12-18) which tries to get folks to rethink their daily transportation choices and opt for two wheels instead of four.  In can be a challenge to bike in city traffic, but if you follow the rules and clearly signal your intentions, it can be safe and rewarding. Of course, a dedicated bike path would be a boon!

It feels like more than 10 years since I first heard about the proposed Bruce Freeman Rail Trail, a multi-use trail for bikers, walkers and skaters that is slated to run from Lowell to Framingham. I was excited, but excitement waned as the years went by, and I really didn’t believe recent reports from friends that work on Phase I (Lowell to Westford) of the trail had finally begun.  I had pretty much decided that I would be too old to ride a bike by the time the trail was finished, but last week, while biking to the Chelmsford library, I saw for myself — the old railroad tracks were gone and the brush cut back to create a swath through the woods – this was on Golden Cove Road where the trail crosses on its way to Chelmsford Center. Checking the website, I saw that the groundbreaking was last October. I totally missed that, and am feeling like a slug for never joining the volunteers and activists who have perservered to make this a reality.  But it’s not too late to get on board, I just sent a donation (you can join for $10, or $25 for a family membership).  The May meeting is on trail beautification and will be held on May 14, 6:30 pm, at the Byam School in Chelmsford, and will include a guided bird walk. 

posted in City Life, Environment, Healthy Living, In the News, Local Groups | 7 Comments

On stage in May

The Merrimack Repertory Theatre season is coming to a close, but you can still catch their likeable last play, The Four of Us, until May 11th.  The MRT has many creative ways to buy tickets for the upcoming, 2008-2009, season, including a flexpass or customized season pass. Highlights for next year include the Broadway hit musical, The Fantasticks, and another by the popular playwright, Richard Dresser (Rounding Third, Augusta, The Pursuit of Happiness).  I just realized that we have been subscribers for twelve years, since the 1996-1997 season (Three Viewings still sticks in my mind as one of the best plays I’ve seen).  Other favorites over the years were:  Shirley Valentine, The Boys Next Door, Full Gallop, Cloud Tectonics, Three Days of Rain, The Woman in Black, Boy Gets Girl, Intimate Apparel... the list goes on.  The 2004-2005 season was a tough one for us, with The Kreutzer Sonata the one play we liked; however, we hung on and we’re glad we did. Another way to support the MRT is to attend their bi-annual dinner auction on Thursday, May 29, at the Doubletree Hotel.

Another great stage venue is the Image Theater, which has something new planned for May: Tales from a Tavern, a series of seven original short plays by local playwrights. The plays will be held upstairs at The Old Court, May 16, 17, 23 and 24th. Tickets are on sale now.  If you haven’t tried the Image Theater yet, this is a great chance to see interesting, inventive drama right here in Lowell for about $20 a person. Check it out!

posted in Local Groups, Theater | 0 Comments

Congratulations to honored teachers

More than 460 people attended last night’s annual Celebration of Teaching Awards—one of the largest since the program started eight years ago. Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Lowell, the dinner has become an annual way to celebrate the many caring teachers in the Lowell Public Schools, as well as provide them with the opportunity to nominate their own favorites for “best teacher of the year.” Each school nominates a teacher, providing background information about their accomplishments, which often includes funny, heartwarming notes of endorsement from students. The rotary then selects one winner for each of three categories: elementary, middle, and high school. The winners receive a $500 cash award and the priceless honor of being selected by their peers for excellent teaching. Last night’s Teacher of the Year awards went to: Mary Beth Leavitt, Bailey Elementary School; Chris Georges, Daley Middle School; and Donald P. Hayes, Lowell High School. Congratulations to the award recipients, the nominees,  and all teachers who make a positive difference in our children’s lives. For the nominees by school, check: more »

posted in Education, Local Groups | 0 Comments

Toxic waste collection and Open Doors next Saturday

Plan now for two events next Saturday, May 17: the city’s semi-annual hazardous waste collection will be held at Cawley Stadium (across from Douglas Road only) from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Items accepted include: oil-based paints, stains and varnishes, strippers, anti-freeze, pool chemicals, driveway/roof sealers, car batteries, propane tanks, tvs and monitors, etc.  For more information, check here or contact Gunther Wellenstein, recycling coordinator, at 978-970-4010 ext. 4309. Take a few minutes today to organize those hazardous materials that have been hanging around your basement or garage, so you’ll be ready to dispose of them safely next week.

Also next weekend, Open Doors gives the public the opportunity to get inside some of the major historical restoration projects that have occurred around the city. Sites, such as the Tenth Street School which has been renovated into a beautiful townhouse, the Allen House at UML, and the Market Street condo projects, are just some of the properties that will be open for public viewing. (More on Open Doors to follow in a later post.)

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